Monday, December 10, 2012


As you may know, Development Associates’ development order application to build a shelter of up to 168 beds at the Bernwood site off Old 41 Road has been on hold since July 18, 2012 when the City’s outside legal counsel, Beverly Grady, opined that the moratorium on homeless shelters that went into effect on May 18, 2012 applies to this application.

It should be noted that BSAFE urged Council to enact the moratorium and without this action, the development order may have already been approved and the site already under construction.
The attorney for Development Associates, Neale Montgomery, submitted a response to the City’s request for additional information November 6, 2012. The attachments to submittal contain almost two reams of paper plus 9 DVD’s of City Council and Local Planning Agency (LPA) meetings. In her submittal she argues that the City is legally obligated to approve the application simply because Development Associates was promised by the City that it would accept
the Application.
BSAFE ‘s attorney has reviewed the submittal and is of the opinion that there is no new evidence to support the claim that the City is legally obligated to approve the Development Order. When Ms. Grady opined that the moratorium was applicable to this application, it was well documented that Development Associates was told several times by the City that it would accept the application.  Documenting the number of times it was said and which forum, does not change the facts that Ms. Grady used as the basis to form her original legal opinion.
While we believe there is no reason for Council to be persuaded by this submittal, we must be prepared to act if Council reverses its position on this issue. BSAFE is still collecting and preserving resources to protect our neighborhood from the approval of an incompatible use on this site. Development Associates and its supporters are well funded by deep pockets in Naples, who are not part of our community. It is important to have enough resources on hand, to ensure that we protect our neighborhood from a Developer who is trying to manipulate the City for its own benefit.
Meanwhile, BSAFE members and other interested community residents have continued to participate in numerous City Council and Local Planning Agency (LPA) meetings to develop an operational ordinance for homeless shelters and to review uses of all non-residential properties to make sure that the proper regulations are in place to ensure compatibility with surrounding residential uses.  City Attorney Audrey Vance informed us that the City is not scheduling anything on social services matters until January 16, 2013, when Ms. Grady will present her findings on the ordinances and estoppel issues at the City Council meeting.  There may be limited opportunity for input on the ordinances at the December 13, 2013 LPA meeting. Please attend this meeting and check the City website for updates.
Your involvement and financial support are critical to BSAFE Bonita!

Monday, November 5, 2012

From Fred Forbes

The City has released a nearly finished draft of the Operating Ordinance for Homeless Shelters. (You can read it by clicking here) I know that there will be some of you who may feel that there are some things missing from the Draft Proposed Ordinance, but on the whole it is very well done and reflects a lot of input from the public, as well as the Local Planning Agency (LPA).  The items in boxes mean the issue or requirement has not been resolved by LPA and city staff. There are not a lot of items that have boxes on them. This ordinance along with the propose rewrite of the Land Development Code (Zoning Regulations) pertaining to Social Services Agencies which include group homes, halfway houses, homeless shelters and juvenile correctional homes or facilities has not been released yet in a finished draft. When it is we will EBLAST it to you.
Please note, things which greatly protect our City's residents have been added to what city staff and LPA started with in August. I, as well as other members of LPA, concluded that excluding anyone from staying in a homeless shelter who has a serious criminal record would address one of the "root causes" of the vast majority of public concern which is the higher crime rate associated with homeless shelters. Excluding anyone with a serious criminal record from being able to stay at a 30 bed homeless shelter (the total number of beds that can be built in our City based on 1 bed/1500 population) would keep other homeless people with serious criminal records from coming to our City to sleep in the woods, etc. while a bed opens up in the homeless shelter. Please note that I have sent an email to the City Manager and the City Attorney recommending that we add to the exclusion list, shown on page three of the attachment; attempted murder, rape, attempted rape, attempted kidnapping, escape from prison or jail and attempted escape from prison or jail.
Remember, the LPA meeting on November 8th at 8:30AM will not be dealing with these ordinances other than an update on them by city staff with some LPA input, as well as public input at the end of the meeting.
Please feel free to share this email with your friends who live in Bonita Springs due to the citywide public interest and concern over homeless shelters.
Fred Forbes, HRCA Board President & LPA Member

BSAFE Update...

We had a good turnout and two guest speakers for the BSAFE meeting on November 1, 2012 at the Cedar Creek cabana.

Fred Forbes of the Local Planning Agency (LPA) provided an update on the status of the proposed revisions of the Land Development Code (LDC) and the Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance. He referred to a topographical map (Click Here - Large File) distributed at the last LPA meeting showing the four land parcels
in Bonita Springs currently zoned to allow for a homeless shelter; these parcels are outlined in yellow on the map below. The proposed revisions of the LDC would allow homeless shelters only by special exception and require a public hearing as well as a super majority vote by City Council.

The Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance is currently being worked on by the Community Development Department in conjunction with an outside planner retained by the City. Fred said the key elements of the proposed ordinance will include the following restrictions; size limited to 20 - 30 beds, persons must hold US citizenship or have legal immigration status and have no major criminal convictions.

Banana Peel publisher Deborah Maclean, who grew up in Naples, gave the history of how a small, church-run soup kitchen in East Naples morphed into the current St. Matthews house. She sees the soup kitchen and homeless shelters as intertwined and leading to a downward spiral in the surrounding community. These same sentiments were echoed at a recent Palmira fundraiser by Sheriff Mike Scott, County Commission District 2 Candidate Cecil Pendergrass and County Tax Collector Candidate Larry Hart. All three have had long term careers in law enforcement and public safety.

Thank you to BSAFE members for your involvement and support. Without your efforts and your financial contributions a 260 bed homeless shelter could be under construction on Old 41!

Your continued involvement and support are critical, these issues are not resolved. Please attend the upcoming LPA meetings on November 8 and December 13 at 8:30 am in City Hall. It is helpful if you prepare your comments in writing, limit your comments to one or two issues and provide a copy of your comments to the Recording Secretary.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upcoming LPA Meetings - IMPORTANT

Two important meetings are coming up for the LPA 
(Local Planning Agency) to be held at the City Hall.

November 8th 2012 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Agenda Here

The meeting will review some city ordinances, but more importantly it will have a status update on the drafting of the homeless shelter operational ordinance and LDC 4 Social Service changes.

There will be time for public comment.

If you would like to review the minutes of the last meeting, you can view them by clicking below.


If you would like to view the entire packet of the November 8th 2012 LPA meeting click below.


A note from Fred Forbes - LPA Member...

LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (LPA) meeting will be held on November 8th, 2012 starting at 8:30am at City Hall in City Council Meeting Room.  The attachments contain the Agenda and primary business to be discussed.  Please note the almost completed Operating Ordinance and the almost completed proposed revisions to the Land Development Code (LDC) primarily pertaining to the rewrite of regulations and definitions for Social Services Agencies will not be on the Agenda other than Item IV, a Status Report on the drafting of an almost finalized version of each ordinance (Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance and the re-write of Social Services Agencies in the LDC and Ordinance). However, this does not preclude public comment, suggestions, criticism, etc. of these items which are not on the Agenda of this meeting. City staff and the special Land Use planner have not totally finished their revising of those two ordinances (Operating Ordinance for Homeless Shelters and the rewrite of LDC pertaining to Social Services Agencies).

December 13th 2012 - 8:30 AM

The LPA meeting scheduled for December 13th at 8:30am will deal with the Finished Draft of these two ordinances. The December 13th LPA Meeting will be a very important meeting to attend and to make public comments on about these two ordinances. We will post the Agenda and attachments containing the Finished Draft Ordinances about a week before that meeting so residents have adequate time to review and develop your comments.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Upcoming Meetings...

There are two upcoming meetings of which you should be aware.  

First, City Council meets on Wednesday, October 17 at 9:00 am to consider whether to approve the City leasing the Leitner Park land to Café of Life for $1 per year and allow for the operation of a soup kitchen on that site.  The City seems to be in favor.  You are urged to observe the current Café of Life operation under the banyan tree on Old 41.  Please pass along this information to your neighbors and plan to attend the City Council meeting.

Second, the Local Planning Agency (LPA) meets on Thursday, October 18 at 8:30 am at City Hall to further review shelter operating standards and zoning regulations.  Please see article online at the News-Press which was published this morning.  News Press Article Here.

It is important that we stay informed and keep in touch with our City leaders to share our concerns on these issues.   We will hold a  BSAFE meeting toward the end of October, and we will send out notification as soon as we have a date.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Update on Proposed Homeless Shelter in Bonita Springs

As you may know, Development Associate’s application to build a shelter of up to 168 beds at the Bernwood site off Old 41 Road is at a standstill. The City ceased working on the development application in July after outside counsel Beverly Grady opined that the moratorium on homeless shelters that went into effect on May 18, 2012 applies to this application. It should be noted that BSAFE’s Attorney, Kami Corbett, suggested the moratorium and without this action, the Development Order could have already been approved. The attorney for Development Associates, Neale Montgomery, is expected to make her case to City Council next month on why the moratorium should not apply to their application. Bsafe is still collecting and preserving resources to oppose a shelter in court should the City agree with Montgomery’s arguments.

During this waiting period, BSAFE Bonita, Inc. members and other interested community members have continued to participate in endlesss City Council and Local Planning Agency (LPA) meetings to develop an operational ordnance that would apply to any future homeless shelter application. LPA meetings were held on August 16, August 21 and September 11, 2012 to review proposals for an operating ordinance and zoning changes. Please refer to the City of Bonita Springs website for further details on these meetings. The next LPA meeting is scheduled for September 20, 2012 at 8:30 am at City Hall to further review the operational ordinance.

While many Bonita Springs residents and some BSAFE members are opposed to any homeless shelter being located in Bonita, it is important that we remain involved in the process to ensure proper and safe operating standards if a shelter is approved. So far, the majority of BSAFE’s recommendations have been included in the operating ordinance drafts.. Our recommendations have covered such items as a smaller shelter size of 20 – 30 residents, admission restricted to those with legal immigration status, limiting number of shelters to one, distances from schools, residential areas and other social services, the operation and oversight by professionally licensed staff, and many other points.

Some residents are concerned that working on regulations will encourage or invite the opening of a shelter, but as LPA member Fred Forbes pointed out at the August 21 meeting, “this is not an enabling ordinance.” Other LPA members have echoed those comments.

Also under the proposed changes, properties with zoning that currently allows shelters will have to go through public hearings before the zoning board and City Council. As the code now stands, approval or denial is determined by Bonita’s community development department, of which John Dulmer is the head. There are currently four properties in Bonita Springs whose zoning could allow building of a homeless shelter.

Sunday, July 15, 2012



Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We won...didn't we?

NO we did not...

Sorry to tell you, but the fight is still on!  St. Matthews House has left town for now but they can come back in a heart beat.  Here is how...

The development order (DO) was submitted by Development Associates.  This is the company which represents the owner of the land.  When the development order is finally approved, the land owner has the ability to bring in any organization and offer to lease or sell the land to them for use as a shelter. The development order is valid for 6 years and is tied to the land parcel. With an approved DO on the land, the hurdles are gone.  Without any hurdles, Saint Matthews House could change their mind and persue this site in Bonita Springs once more.

With the development order still being processed by the city, the threat of a homeless shelter is very real.

What can we do now?

The main obsticle right now is public knowledge and opinion.  Many people think that this shelter threat is over.  We need to educate our friends and neighbors that this threat still exists in a very big way.  In a recent newspaper article, Charlie Mauer (President of Development Associates) stated that his firm will continue to pursue the development order.  See the excerpt from the article and the complete link below...
By Tracy X. Miguel
Posted June 24, 2012 at 4pm

...When Collier County-based St. Matthew's House announced last week that it was dropping plans to open a shelter at the corner of Old 41 Road and Cockleshell Court, the property owner said he still would pursue approval to open a shelter at the site.
"We will continue to pursue the development order as we are entitled under the city of Bonita Springs land development code," Charlie Maurer, developer for the Bernwood site and agent for the estate, said Friday. "We expect to get the development order issued shortly."
Maurer said he wouldn't discuss potential buyers or operators of the property. ... 

So as you can see by the above article, the threat of a shelter is real and we need to continue to educate our fellow residents about this situation.  The City has retained local outside counsel to research and advise whether the moratorium applies to this development order application, whether the restrictions can be made retroactive and whether the use could or should be denied for other reasons. The City has also retained a local outside planner to review the comprehensive plan.   

BSAFE Bonita, Inc. has retained an attorney to represent the residents of Bonita Springs and of course we need your financial support to continue this fight.  If you have not donated in the past, please consider it now.  If you have sent money before, we thank you for your support and ask that you donate again if possible.  Your continued support is the only way we can fight against this shelter location and protect both our children and property values.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The fight goes on!

Where does the recent turn of events leave us? SMH has pulled out, but the seller is still pursuing the same development order. Regardless of the size or who builds the shelter, the old 41 location in no more suitable now then when SMH wanted to build on the site. SMH pulling out does not mean that we don’t have the same issue, just a different name and face.
We will continue to fight to protect our children and our property values.
Spread the word that this fight is anything but over!!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Last week (May 17th, 2012) Billy Braswell (54) was arrested and accused of sexual battery on a girl over the age of twelve.
See Naples Daily News Story Here
Who is Billy Braswell from the article listed above?

Billy is a career criminal with 8 offenses on his criminal record.
See Record Here

After his latest jail term at the New River Correctional Institution in Central Florida, Billy listed his new address upon release on January 25, 2012 as St Matthews House in East Naples.  After living in Naples for a few months, he now is in Collier County Jail accused of sexual battery on a young girl.  The Naples Daily News reports that Braswell used his bike to run into the girl and then he grabbed the girl by the throat and choked her.

This speaks volumes about why we do not want a shelter in Bonita Springs which imports released inmates from all over the state and would place them within steps of 1200 Charter School children.
Share this with your friends to help them understand the true dangers.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

BSAFE Support Grows Strong

Thank you everyone for your continued support,  Donations for the legal fund continue to come in.  With the limited time we have had, everyone should be proud of their efforts in getting the word out and by raising money.  With the money raised, our lawyer is engaged full time and is actively working our case.  Please continue to spread the word and encourage others to stay informed through our email list and this website.  Continued funding of the attorney will be necessary to in order to continue this fight in full force.  We encourage each person to make this part of your daily dialogue.  
During the FGCU radio show, Van Ellison of Saint Matthews house asked for an open dialogue with the residents of Bonita Springs.  Do you have questions for Van Ellison of Saint Matthews House?  Click here to post your questions online.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend Update

Wow!  What just happened?  You might have been at the City Council meeting on April 18th and witness the council passing a moratorium on Homeless Shelter construction.

Maybe you couldn't make it but you want to know what is going to happen in your town?

There are three main parties involved.  The first is Saint Matthews House, the second is the current land owner and developer, Development Associates.  The third party is the residents of Bonita Springs.

The residents are concerned about the safety of children and property values.  Saint Matthews house wants to help homeless people but they don't want to admit to the negative effects of having a 260 bed homeless shelter will impose on the city services and the residents.  Development Associates just wants to sell the land.

So who is right?  Who is more important?  As residents of Bonita Springs and as parents of children who go to our local schools, we formed BSAFE Bonita to educate residents about the potential of a homeless shelter being built near the charter school.

What started off as a potential threat has become a reality.  Just one day before the April 18th meeting, Development Associates submitted a development order to build a 260 bed homeless shelter on the property which formerly housed the Synovus Bank on Old 41 Rd next to the Art League.  (See Map Here)

By submitting this development order they are attempting to avoid any reasonable regulations the city could impose on a business of this type and size.

Many people now feel that the shelter won't happen since the Moratorium passed.  This is not the case.  Nothing is stopping this from going forward.

Both the Attorney for the property owner and the Developer, Charles Mauer himself stood in front of City Council and threatened legal action if their contract fell through. (See the video at the 134 min mark)

It appears now (although no one has seen the paperwork) that their contract has gone through and they intend to build.  Why else would spend time and money on plan submission unless you fully intend to build?

BSAFE Bonita has researched the affects of homeless shelters on the safety of city residents and found them to be detrimental. (See Three Mile Zone) (See Tampa Area News Report) These shelters act as a magnet, attracting people from all over the area by offering a free meal and a shower.  People show up to eat and shower.   If they have been drinking or if the facility is full, they are not allowed to stay the night and therefore are forced to wander the area looking for a place to stay.

Here is one example received through our website email:

"Let me tell you, you are right to fight this tooth and nail!  I worked for many years across the street from St. Matthews House soup kitchen and it was a nightmare.  Of course, no alcohol is allowed there, so the homeless  keep their beer behind office complexes, and hang out there.  Litter, bicycles disobeying traffic and challenging you to hit them, etc, were constant issues with it.  We always had to keep our office blinds closed to avoid seeing them urinate in public (the whole outdoors is their toilet).  The issues raised by BSafeBonita are all valid, but you have no idea how bad it is until you actually have them hanging out, littering, riding bikes the wrong way, general nuisance and drinking just away from their St. Matthews House."

You may think that this shelter is not near my home... what does it matter?  Studies show that negative effects can be seen from as far as three miles away.  Railways are also a common pathway for the homeless.  It just so happens that this parcel of land has a railroad tract which leads due North cutting through the area of  The Brooks and Coconut Point Mall.  This will not only be an issue for Bonita residents but it will greatly impact Estero as well.

The only option available now for the residents of  Bonita Springs is challenge this project through legal action.  BSAFE Bonita has obtained an attorney who specializes in Land Use and Compatibility.  The residents of the city must unite vocally and financially.  Residents need to get with their neighbors and educate each other.  And while speaking up against this project is much needed, financial backing is just as critical.  You must fight fire with fire. 

None of this is uplifting. But, it is all fact. And, it makes one ask.... When the needs of the few outweigh the safety, well being and property value of the vast majority, is this just?

Support your rights to a safe and beautiful city.  Keep updated on breaking news. And, show your financial support for the legal fund by donating online or sending a check to BSAFE Bonita, Inc at PO Box 367441 Bonita Springs, FL 34136-7441.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Must Read

First and the date Wednesday, April 18th on your calendar!

On April 18th at 9:00 AM, at City Hall the Council will vote on the proposed moratorium.  They need to hear your support! Please be there early!

Saint Matthew's House (SMH) is urging all of its supporters to come out and show their support at the City Council Meeting.  They want to impress the Council with their presence and put pressure on them to NOT vote for the moratorium.

SMH is even asking the members of local churches to attend and show their support against the moratorium.  It is important that everyone who supports BSAFE Bonita and a safe Bonita Springs in general attend the meeting!

Whats is a Moratorium you might ask?  To explain it simply, it is a holding pattern... a delay or suspension of an activity.  BSAFE Bonita is asking for a moratorium to allow for a proper amount time to research the needs of our community.  The purpose of the moratorium is to give the city time to get appropriate regulations in place, regulations that are standard already in many cities in the US, regulations that would allow a shelter to fit into the community appropriately. We want  true and accurate numbers regarding the homeless, not just numbers made up from vague unrelated sources. The moratorium is not to stop Bonita from helping people in need, it will allow Bonita the time to find out the best way to do just that! Bonita Springs currently has over 30 programs in the city to help people in need.

Many people and media outlets have branded BSAFE as "Homeless Haters", "Fear Mongers", etc.  We are not against the homeless and we strive to only present the facts. The fact is that St. Matthews House can only control what happens on their property. The problem with a shelter is that it becomes mecca or gathering point.  Many homeless will come on their own by foot or on bicycle.  Others will be dropped off by law enforcement.  Regardless of the size of the shelter, it will become full and those people who are unable to gain entry will hang out nearby.  They wait around for the next opportunity to eat and shower.  A shelter is not a group home.  They must leave each day without a guaranteed bed when they return.

This planned shelter is very real.  Van Elison (SMH President and CEO) was quoted in the News Press saying...."St Matthew's plans to apply for a development order before May 18th."

Shelter? Group Home? Whats the difference?
Be really careful in reading and understanding comments from SMH.  They are very slick in promoting the areas where they have not had problems while ignoring the facilities with problems.  They talk about how they have not had any problems at their original home to Justin's Place.  Justin's place is a substance abuse facility whichhouses clients during a 9-month program.  Justin's Place is not a shelter...they act more like a group home by providing a living space for 9 months.   Yes, it is located next to a daycare center and the reason they don't have a problem is because they are not forced out each day... their clients are not roaming the streets.  With a shelter arrangement, they must leave each morning and only hope to get a bed at night.  The are forced back out on the street.  They don't mention how one of their shelter visitors was arrested for kidnapping after taking a child from a woman at a nearby supermarket.  In another story Collier Deputies arrest a homeless man after he attacked laundromat patronwho declined his help.  Collier Deputies arrested another man for stealing brass and copper from Home Depot   The facts are there!  Just simply Google "Naples Homeless Man Arrested" and view the stories for yourself.

The Million Dollar Question?  Why is Collier County opposed to St Matthews expanding their facility?  If they have been a good neighbor for 25 years... why would it be a problem?  Here is why.... build it and they will come.  Fact..Collier County has over 60 homeless encampments near the East Naples Saint Matthews house location.  People come to the area because they know they can get free food and a shower.  It becomes an Disney World or Busch it and they will come.  Why be homeless up north in the snow?  Why not travel to sunny Southwest Florida during the winter and enjoy the cool gulf air.  When it gets too hot just head back north to cool off.  Collier County is so opposed to expansion that they are even considering purchasing an empty car dealership to prevent SMH from purchasing it.

So what to do now?

#1 Support your council members and remind them that they are to represent you... a resident of Bonita Springs.
#2 Encourage them to vote YES on the Moratorium.
#3 Encourage them to only listen to the opinions of the residents of Bonita Springs....not the Naples residents who want to tell us how to run our city.
#4 Talk about this...spread the word!  Get on your email, your Facebook, your Twitter!  Educate your friends, neighbors and fellow residents!

Please remember...
  • Donations for the legal defense fund can be sent to
    BSAFE Bonita PO Box 367441 Bonita Springs FL 34136-7441.
  • There will be a City Council Meeting Wednesday April 18th at City Hall on Bonita Beach Rd. at 9:00am to vote on the proposed Moratorium on homeless shelters construction.  Please come!! We need as many people in attendance as possible, we want them to know BSAFE Bonita is a strong group to be taken seriously!
Thank you all for you participation and attention to this matter.

Please...BSAFE and BFACTUAL !

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Weekend Update...

The clock has been updated, the time is approaching!

If you missed the last City Council meeting, you missed a big one!  But don't worry you can come out on April 18th at 9am to hear the second reading of the proposed moratorium on homeless shelter construction in Bonita Springs. Get there early (8am at least!) and get a's going to be a packed house!

On April 18th, the Council will vote on the proposed moratorium.  It is important that everyone who supports BSAFE Bonita and a safe Bonita Springs in general attend the meeting!

We have said it before, but we are going to say it again...IMMEDIATE ACTION IS REQUIRED...
One thing was made perfectly clear at this past Council meeting.... Saint Matthews House is under contract to buy the land!  They finally came out in the open and are having a Trustee buy the land for approximately 3 million dollars.  This land will then be turned over to Saint Matthews House for development of a campus of services including a homeless shelter, drug rehab facility, or any other group 1, 2 or 3 services.

#1 Saint Matthews House has been trying to build a shelter here for years. Finally they have cleared the air and admitted that they are the interested party in the 10 acres land next to the charter school.
#2 They plan to show their support on April 18th... you should as well!  Make sure to show-up and let the Council know that this is our City and we are the ones whose lives are impacted by their decisions.
#3 Both the attorney and agent for the land owner's estate threatened legal action against the city.  Don't let bullies push you around...let your council members know how you feel.

#1 We need to get the word out that there is a very real possibility that this shelter could be constructed next to the school.  FACT... If they sell the land right now, there is nothing in place to stop them from building!
#2 Talk to your neighbors and friends all across Bonita Springs.  Educate them that the project is still moving forward.  Encourage them to sign up for our email list to keep informed.
#3 Contact the Mayor and City Council urging them to continue forward and vote yes for a moratorium on issuing any building permits for shelter or related uses.   Give them your support and tell them not to be scared off by the attorney for the property's estate!
#4 Please donate and encourage others to donate.   The only way we will have any chance to prevent the City from allowing a use that is clearly incompatible with its surrounding uses is to work with a lawyer experienced in land use to challenge the City's interpretation of the zoning and to force the City to adopt the regulations necessary to prevent a shelter from being approved when it is so clearly incompatible with the surrounding uses.
(Use the PayPal Link Above) 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

City Hall Meeting

Come out to City Hall to be part of the public comment on the proposed moratorium on homeless shelters...

Where is City Hall?...

9101 Bonita Beach Road Southeast
Bonita Springs, FL 34135

What time is the meeting?

Today, April 4th at 5:30pm

Where do I park?

Park at City Hall, The Post Office or across Bonita Beach Road

What else can I do?


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Where are we at right now?

On Friday, March 16th the city released the results from the ZVL Request (ZVL=Zoning Verification Letter).  You can read the complete response here...Click Here  But be warned!... It is 71 pages and 18MB. If you would like to read the shortened version (13 Pages & 3MB) Click Here
Here is what we know...
#1 The ZVL appears to indicate that the City thinks a homeless shelter is ALLOWED on the property.
#2 There is a contract pending on the property and this ZVL was likely necessary to confirm that purchaser could use the property for a shelter or related use.
#3 The attorney that requested the ZVL is the same attorney who opposed the City's attempt to regulate shelter locations and operations.
#4 The City's current Land Development Code does not contain adequate safeguards to ensure that a shelter is compatible with the surrounding land uses. This needs to change immediately.
#5 City Council admitted it has no way to regulate the operation of a shelter and agreed it needed to pass an ordinance to do so. It is negligent for the City to allow a shelter to be constructed when it is aware that the adequate safeguards are not in place.

#1 We need to get the word out that there is a very real possibility that this shelter could be constructed next to the school.  FACT... If they sell the land right now, there is nothing in place to stop them from building!
#2 Talk to your neighbors and friends all across Bonita Springs.  Educate them that the project is still moving forward.  Encourage them to sign up for our email list to keep informed.
#3 Contact the Mayor and City Council urging them to place a moratorium on issuing any building permits for shelter or related uses until such time the Bonita Springs Land Development Code is revised to incorporate appropriate setbacks and buffering for such uses and until the ordinance regulating the use is passed. 
#4 Please donate and encourage others to donate.   The only way we will have any chance to prevent the City from allowing a use that is clearly incompatible with its surrounding uses is to work with a lawyer experienced in land use to challenge the City's interpretation of the zoning and to force the City to adopt the regulations necessary to prevent a shelter from being approved when it is so clearly incompatible with the surrounding uses.
(Use the PayPal Link Above) 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Your support makes the difference!


A BIG thank you to all of the citizens of Bonita Springs who took the time to attend the City Council meeting on Wednesday night!  It was a standing room only crowd.  Citizens took the time to voice their concerns and expressed their opinions on how to keep our city as safe and as beautiful as possible.

The battle is not over. This topic is not closed.  We still have a lot of work to do to make sure our city leaders keep Bonita Springs the safe and beautiful city we've come to know and love.

Your continued support is needed.  If you are able, please contribute financially to this cause, please do so today.  It is with your donations that we will be able to protect our children and our property.

Please send your check to BSAFE Bonita, Inc. PO Box 367441, Bonita Springs, FL 34136-7441

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bonita Springs looks to regulate homeless shelters - WBBH News



The meeting on a PROPOSED HOMELESS SHELTER ORDINANCE is on Wednesday at 5:30 at Bonita Springs City Hall.  Get there early - 5PM-ish to get a seat and to sign up if you want to speak.  SPREAD THE WORD.  It's critical that you PACK THE HALL.
The proposed ordinance is a very good first effort and is reasonably well written, but lacks some important specifics.  Many of these ordinances, in other areas of the country, include a maximum bed limit.  (TYPICALLY 65 BEDS.)  Mega-sized shelters are now proving to be outdated, and a strain on communities - affecting safety and property value.   A maximum bed limit is a critical missing piece in this proposed regulation. 
Others that should be included are... 1. Maximum duration of stay,  2. Number of licensed social service persons and security persons per X number of temporary residents,  3. Details of how jail releases will be transported to and from shelter.  4. Prohibition on transporting jail releases from Naples Jail to shelter. 5. Details on frequency of inspections. Etc.

Here is a link to the agenda:  Click Here For The Meeting Agenda

Here is a link to the proposed ordinance: Click Here For The Proposed Ordinance

Friday, March 2, 2012

Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Jail Release, Soup Kitchen and Homeless Complex coming to your neighborhood???
How important is your safety 
and your property value???
Did you know that the land located on Old US 41 between the Bonita Art Center and The Bonita Springs Charter School is now being eyed for uses that could include all of the above? On Friday February 4, 2012, the owners of ten acres of land in your neighborhood submitted an application to the Bonita Springs Community Development Department for a Zoning Verification Letter (ZVL).

They are requesting approval for a wide variety of social service uses that would not be allowed today, but may be “grandfathered in” under old zoning bylaws. If approved, your children, your family, your property value could be impacted. If the ZVL is approved, there will be NO PUBLIC HEARINGS or opportunity for citizen input that could affect the outcome.

Don’t let this slip by!! Make your voice heard now!!!
Click Here to Learn How To Help

For Background History 
visit the Concerned Citizens of Bonita website:
To learn how they had to fight when a drug rehab shelter 
was planned near their neighborhood!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

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