Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekend Update

Wow!  What just happened?  You might have been at the City Council meeting on April 18th and witness the council passing a moratorium on Homeless Shelter construction.

Maybe you couldn't make it but you want to know what is going to happen in your town?

There are three main parties involved.  The first is Saint Matthews House, the second is the current land owner and developer, Development Associates.  The third party is the residents of Bonita Springs.

The residents are concerned about the safety of children and property values.  Saint Matthews house wants to help homeless people but they don't want to admit to the negative effects of having a 260 bed homeless shelter will impose on the city services and the residents.  Development Associates just wants to sell the land.

So who is right?  Who is more important?  As residents of Bonita Springs and as parents of children who go to our local schools, we formed BSAFE Bonita to educate residents about the potential of a homeless shelter being built near the charter school.

What started off as a potential threat has become a reality.  Just one day before the April 18th meeting, Development Associates submitted a development order to build a 260 bed homeless shelter on the property which formerly housed the Synovus Bank on Old 41 Rd next to the Art League.  (See Map Here)

By submitting this development order they are attempting to avoid any reasonable regulations the city could impose on a business of this type and size.

Many people now feel that the shelter won't happen since the Moratorium passed.  This is not the case.  Nothing is stopping this from going forward.

Both the Attorney for the property owner and the Developer, Charles Mauer himself stood in front of City Council and threatened legal action if their contract fell through. (See the video at the 134 min mark)

It appears now (although no one has seen the paperwork) that their contract has gone through and they intend to build.  Why else would spend time and money on plan submission unless you fully intend to build?

BSAFE Bonita has researched the affects of homeless shelters on the safety of city residents and found them to be detrimental. (See Three Mile Zone) (See Tampa Area News Report) These shelters act as a magnet, attracting people from all over the area by offering a free meal and a shower.  People show up to eat and shower.   If they have been drinking or if the facility is full, they are not allowed to stay the night and therefore are forced to wander the area looking for a place to stay.

Here is one example received through our website email:

"Let me tell you, you are right to fight this tooth and nail!  I worked for many years across the street from St. Matthews House soup kitchen and it was a nightmare.  Of course, no alcohol is allowed there, so the homeless  keep their beer behind office complexes, and hang out there.  Litter, bicycles disobeying traffic and challenging you to hit them, etc, were constant issues with it.  We always had to keep our office blinds closed to avoid seeing them urinate in public (the whole outdoors is their toilet).  The issues raised by BSafeBonita are all valid, but you have no idea how bad it is until you actually have them hanging out, littering, riding bikes the wrong way, general nuisance and drinking just away from their St. Matthews House."

You may think that this shelter is not near my home... what does it matter?  Studies show that negative effects can be seen from as far as three miles away.  Railways are also a common pathway for the homeless.  It just so happens that this parcel of land has a railroad tract which leads due North cutting through the area of  The Brooks and Coconut Point Mall.  This will not only be an issue for Bonita residents but it will greatly impact Estero as well.

The only option available now for the residents of  Bonita Springs is challenge this project through legal action.  BSAFE Bonita has obtained an attorney who specializes in Land Use and Compatibility.  The residents of the city must unite vocally and financially.  Residents need to get with their neighbors and educate each other.  And while speaking up against this project is much needed, financial backing is just as critical.  You must fight fire with fire. 

None of this is uplifting. But, it is all fact. And, it makes one ask.... When the needs of the few outweigh the safety, well being and property value of the vast majority, is this just?

Support your rights to a safe and beautiful city.  Keep updated on breaking news. And, show your financial support for the legal fund by donating online or sending a check to BSAFE Bonita, Inc at PO Box 367441 Bonita Springs, FL 34136-7441.