Monday, November 5, 2012
BSAFE Update...
We had a good turnout and two guest speakers for the BSAFE meeting on November 1, 2012 at the Cedar Creek cabana.
Fred Forbes of the Local Planning Agency (LPA) provided an update on the status of the proposed revisions of the Land Development Code (LDC) and the Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance. He referred to a topographical map (Click Here - Large File) distributed at the last LPA meeting showing the four land parcels
in Bonita Springs currently zoned to allow for a homeless shelter; these parcels are outlined in yellow on the map below. The proposed revisions of the LDC would allow homeless shelters only by special exception and require a public hearing as well as a super majority vote by City Council.
The Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance is currently being worked on by the Community Development Department in conjunction with an outside planner retained by the City. Fred said the key elements of the proposed ordinance will include the following restrictions; size limited to 20 - 30 beds, persons must hold US citizenship or have legal immigration status and have no major criminal convictions.
Banana Peel publisher Deborah Maclean, who grew up in Naples, gave the history of how a small, church-run soup kitchen in East Naples morphed into the current St. Matthews house. She sees the soup kitchen and homeless shelters as intertwined and leading to a downward spiral in the surrounding community. These same sentiments were echoed at a recent Palmira fundraiser by Sheriff Mike Scott, County Commission District 2 Candidate Cecil Pendergrass and County Tax Collector Candidate Larry Hart. All three have had long term careers in law enforcement and public safety.
Thank you to BSAFE members for your involvement and support. Without your efforts and your financial contributions a 260 bed homeless shelter could be under construction on Old 41!
Your continued involvement and support are critical, these issues are not resolved. Please attend the upcoming LPA meetings on November 8 and December 13 at 8:30 am in City Hall. It is helpful if you prepare your comments in writing, limit your comments to one or two issues and provide a copy of your comments to the Recording Secretary.