Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upcoming LPA Meetings - IMPORTANT

Two important meetings are coming up for the LPA 
(Local Planning Agency) to be held at the City Hall.

November 8th 2012 - 8:30 AM

Meeting Agenda Here

The meeting will review some city ordinances, but more importantly it will have a status update on the drafting of the homeless shelter operational ordinance and LDC 4 Social Service changes.

There will be time for public comment.

If you would like to review the minutes of the last meeting, you can view them by clicking below.


If you would like to view the entire packet of the November 8th 2012 LPA meeting click below.


A note from Fred Forbes - LPA Member...

LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY (LPA) meeting will be held on November 8th, 2012 starting at 8:30am at City Hall in City Council Meeting Room.  The attachments contain the Agenda and primary business to be discussed.  Please note the almost completed Operating Ordinance and the almost completed proposed revisions to the Land Development Code (LDC) primarily pertaining to the rewrite of regulations and definitions for Social Services Agencies will not be on the Agenda other than Item IV, a Status Report on the drafting of an almost finalized version of each ordinance (Homeless Shelter Operating Ordinance and the re-write of Social Services Agencies in the LDC and Ordinance). However, this does not preclude public comment, suggestions, criticism, etc. of these items which are not on the Agenda of this meeting. City staff and the special Land Use planner have not totally finished their revising of those two ordinances (Operating Ordinance for Homeless Shelters and the rewrite of LDC pertaining to Social Services Agencies).

December 13th 2012 - 8:30 AM

The LPA meeting scheduled for December 13th at 8:30am will deal with the Finished Draft of these two ordinances. The December 13th LPA Meeting will be a very important meeting to attend and to make public comments on about these two ordinances. We will post the Agenda and attachments containing the Finished Draft Ordinances about a week before that meeting so residents have adequate time to review and develop your comments.