Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Anonymous said...

Be sure to attend the City Council meeting on Weds, March 7 to participate in discussion about proposed Homeless Shelter Ordinance. Get there early - around 5PM. If you want to speak, you'll need to get a card at the beginning of the meeting. Three minute time limit.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with having a homeless shelter in your area. St Matts has been a good neighbor to Home Depot and The East Naples United Methodist Church. No incidents have occurred. Death threats have come against Vann Ellison and his family. I would be more worried about murderers than homeless people.

Anonymous said...

My parents have worked with the homeless for 35+ years, long before it was the fashionable thing to do. I was raised a Christian and church was a way of life. I can’t remember how many times we had homeless eat at our house and yes even stay with us in addition to all we did through the church. They are displaced families due to down sizing, soldiers that returned to no job and single mothers that are doing their best to provide for their children.
However on the other hand we have also seen the “other” homeless those that want a meal and a bed, that do not have any hope of being saved and don’t want anything else. The ones that get a meal, nights sleep and then pander in town and around the shelter area. The ones that make it hard for the local families to enjoy what they have worked so hard for.
My parents have worked hard their whole lives to better themselves and to help those that needed it. They have cashed in everything they had to retire in Bonita Springs, to enjoy their remaining years in a warm climate and a safe environment. And continue to help where they can and health permits.
Most of the “true homeless” want a permanent place to stay while they rebuild, they are more than happy to live on a farm, garden, cook, clean, feel like they are making a difference and contributing.
The only homeless we ever encountered that objected to being outside of town were the ones that made a living begging or continuing to commit crimes. They do not change and never will as long as they are allowed to eat free meals and sleep in a warm bed and give nothing in exchange.
And yes when you offer a meal and bed more and more of the wrong type of homeless show up to the point of overflow and then spill into the community. Bonita Springs is not the right area for homeless and SMH is not giving real help to the homeless, only giving people a free ride. When SMH is run properly homeless will benefit and the ex-cons that will never change will move on.
Mr. Ellison what kind of homeless are you bringing us? It seems to me the ones that don’t want to turn their lives around. Why aren’t you helping the “true” homeless in an area that they have a chance? And why are you using my parent’s backyard as a catch all for anyone in the surrounding areas when we don’t have a homeless problem? First you are bringing us a problem we don’t have. Second you are not helping the “true” homeless and third you are using outdated ideas and personal motives. Can you show us that any of that is untrue?

Anonymous said...

My husband and I DO NOT think that having a homeless shelter in Bonita Springs is appropriate at all, considering there are less than 30 reported and most of them WANT to be homeless.

Anonymous said...

I see a lot of chest beating by Councilman Simmons and Councilwoman Simons, but what are they planning on doing about it?

BS Resident said...

What are you guys thinking. You have to be nuts to want a homeless shelter here.

Anonymous said...

A homeless shelter is not needed in Bonita Springs period! Even with the deal to drop 100 beds and only having 168 beds is not good enough, it will still bring in people from not only all over FL but all over the US during winter months. We vote for the officials to take care of us and our town, there are a few standing with us and for them I am thankful, for those that do not consider us and our town and think making a few laws and regulations will be good enough, I say we’ll remember you at next election time, you are in office to serve us, not bow down to money and pressure. For the few that don’t understand, we do not want Mr. Ellison and/or SMH in our community, it’s your job to do everything you can to keep them out. Maybe one of the regulations should be that Mr. Ellison and his family must live year round on the same grounds as his shelter, betting that would send him and his shelter packing. He has no problems dumping on our town, but he and his family remain far away from any of the SMH facilities, things that make you say hmmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Please read the above minutes, the mayor and council want many things for our town, the homeless shelter will not only make most impossible, but basically shut down old 41 for any growth. If you think the homeless problem created won't end up on our beach and hinder business growth, think again. It will not only be the immediate area affected, but all areas. Our council and mayor need to stand by their words and by us the tax payers and people responsible for putting them in office, not bowing down and allowing a shelter that will make it impossible for Bonita Springs to grow and prosper. Wake up Mayor and council!

James R. Bianco said...

After reading the News-press and the "difficulty" this organization has had in allowing a homeless shelter to be built in Bonita Springs I think it is safe to say that the only goal of this organization is to protect their precious property values. Rather than rely on scientific studies (which all show little to no effect on property values) or on human compassion (which would seem to say that a life saved is better than a few dollars saved) the organization creates problems that have never existed (homeless shelters in the research material (HUD, 2011) have been shown to only decrease overall crime rates) in order to realize their dream of a society where they don't have to see the face of human suffering. Of all the organizations I have read about, this one alone is the least Christian, and the best example of selfish discrimination.

James Bianco said...

By the by, if you are too cowardly to own your disdain for the less fortunate, why are you spreading your opinion? If you really can show that a homeless shelter in Bonita would be bad (through solid research, not personal opinion) then own your opinion. Anonymous posts are the bastian of the cowardly who don't want the rest of Bonita to know just how hateful they really can be.

Anonymous said...

James where do you live? We have had many folks from Ft. Myers and Naples tell us how wonderful all of this will be, and how much it has helped their communities, yet neither town is willing to find a place for SMH in their own town. As far as being Christian I would say there is a failing on both sides where that is concerned, I have said myself that a shelter is not a bad thing, however since Mr. Ellison can not guarantee who will be in the shelter (after claiming it would be for women and children) so considering the number of chronic homeless he shelters, next to the charter school and in front of pueblo Bonita is not the location for the shelter. The NDN is a partner of SMH and presents a bias opinion, if you want to condemn us for our opinions then take a look at the propaganda SMH has been pushing down everyone’s throat. I have seen no evidence supporting that SMH does any good with its outdated methods, so Mr. Ellison is just stating his opinion like everyone else. It’s Mr. Ellison and SMH with their we can do whatever we want or we will sue attitude, the complete disregard for the citizens of Bonita Springs (no one from SMH has bothered to talk to any citizens about anything) and the changing stories from Mr. Ellison about what he is actually going to do, the shady way of trying to push this through is what Bonita Springs has an issue with, so before you believe everything you read in NDN written for SMH, find out what has been done to our community and get a few facts yourself. And yes I am signed anonymous because my job is in jeopardy if I speak out against SMH, tell me why an organization that’s so righteous and wonderful would need to sink to that level if they were all they claim to be?

Anonymous said...

Good, if you are not concerned about having a shelter build next to the school or the residential are, why they don't build it close or next to your house. I am VERY WORRY having a shelter that close to the school, I will take my kids out that school if that ever pass, and I hope many parents do; Building a shelter in Bonita is not an issue the problem is the place where they want to build it. If the people who were feed at the park, were making Bonita look bad, the shelter will make Bonita looks as bad as those people did. Why they don't build the shelter close to the house of the person who is proposing to build the shelter on old 41. I am sure there is a better place for that shelter to be build other than next to the school. The place where they were going to build, Cox Lumber I believe. Why it didn't happen?

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable that the City of Bonita is wasting tax payer's money for the benefit of the City Council Members and not the benefict of the City, that way the Board Members will look good. We elect the City Council Members to be in favor of the Bonita Residents, tax payers, workers, parents, students, and not for the people who are using the system and they have never pay a penny on taxes. Why the Church didn't pay for the survey if they are so interested in helping the St Matthew House, why the residents of Bonita have to pay for a sencond time?

Anonymous said...

Where does the resent turn of events leave us? SMH has pulled out, but the seller is still pursuing the same development order. Regardless of the size or who builds the shelter, the old 41 location in no more suitable now then when SMH wanted to build on the site. SMH pulling out does not mean that we don’t have the same issue, just a different name and face. Are there any plans to continue the fight to keep the shelter, any shelter from using that site?

Anonymous said...

"We will continue to pursue the development order as we are entitled under the city of Bonita Springs land development code," Charlie Maurer, developer for the Bernwood site and agent for the estate, said Friday. "We expect to get the development order issued shortly." ( ) Maurer sounds a little too sure of himself, I can't help wondering if the city is really behind backing the citizens and keeping this shelter out, or how quickly SMH will be back if the order is approved.

Anonymous said...

I understand that Maurer made the original request for the development order, however when that order was changed from 260 beds to 168 beds, wouldn’t that make the original null, making the 168 beds a NEW DO? And as a NEW DO subject to the moratorium?

Anonymous said...

I understand that Maurer made the original request for the development order, however when that order was changed from 260 beds to 168 beds, wouldn’t that make the original null, making the 168 beds a NEW DO? And as a NEW DO subject to the moratorium?

Anonymous said...

IMO SMH pulled out due to bad press for throwing recovering homeless out of Wolfe apartments in favor of giving the apartments to recovering druggies and alcoholics. There were also many people asking if audits of SMH and Mr. Ellison himself should be looked into. Salaries were being posted, and many ex SMH employees stepping forward saying the money was mostly going for salaries for the higher ups, and that pictures used by SMH were of families but they were the smallest group helped, that mainly ex-cons and chronic homeless were the majority helped. I read every article and post and as the fight went on Mr. Ellison and SMH house looked worst by the hour. So to save face and avoid more coming out SMH pulled out. However I have no doubt that if the development order goes through SMH will be back with bells on. And our community will be faced with the worst elements possible living in our town.

Anonymous said...

Has there been any updates or more information on how the development order is going?

Anonymous said...

We will not be able to attend the meeting but will contact the council personally. However this article proved to be very interesting. :

Anonymous said...

Okay, now that the development order has been stopped, and the property falls under the moratorium, we can take a breath and collect ourselves. However don’t we still need to continue our talks with the city council about the rules and regulations concerning any homeless shelter? Regardless of its size from small to mega, none should be in an established residential community, close to the charter school or any school for that matter. We need to continue to be involved, concerned and watchful!

Anonymous said...

After reading the article in the News Press this morning it seems we still have a very big fight ahead of us concerning the Homeless Shelter at the Old 41 site. As law suits are about to be brought forward in support of the shelter. Not to mention most of what we wanted as requirements for any resident at the facility have been deemed illegal. Are we to just except that a shelter can be put next to our children and in front of our seniors and we have no control at all? If this is what Bonita Springs is to become then no matter how we try to make it an inviting environment, it will still be a small town over run with homeless and be bullied at the whim of those that see dollar signs instead of the homes that the community sees. I have considered moving and several people I’ve spoken with are of the same mind, why live in a community that we can’t defend and are not even considered when things that put our properties at risk are forced on us? What is our next move in stopping and or fighting this? There has been very little info on the situation for months as we have been lulled into a belief that this was or had been taken care of and the shelter was a dead issue. Did the new owners of the Charter school know this was an issue when they spent their money on the school?

Anonymous said...

I am wondering how St. Mathew's house is going to play into this issue again. Ellison has stated he will sue and even buy property in Bonita Spring so he has the right to sue if the regulations are not changed. I personally feel Ellison and St. Mathew's house pulled out to let things die down as they were losing donations, as things came out most people supporting St. Mathew's house did not realize. Having every intention of coming back as soon as they could. How do we fight this and support our city and council? This is not and will not be over until we find a place for a homeless shelter. Is the answer to find ground that is far enough away from schools and residential, and say have at it? Or is this all just more of Ellison throwing weight and money around, forcing our community to give in? I and many friends and neighbors are getting so tired of the ups and downs, we are considering moving out of a community we love, is that Bonita's bright future, for the residents to leave and watch the whole area turn to slum?

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